
More Than 2L per Day

I feel my life is getting better every day, since I forced myself to drink 2 L mineral water per day. My stomach diameter is getting reduced.

In fact, mineral water has so many advantages for our life, these are all of advantages that I have felt
1. Really good for your digestion system
The more you drink your mineral water, the more that your urinate disposed.
It helps your liver to be cleaned from poison.
2. Make your body manageable
If you want to reduce your fat, you can try this at your home. The more you drink your mineral water, the faster you fulfill your hunger.

Moreover for you all who always stay at room with AC, you will need more mineral water than who don't, this is good for moisture your skin, and maybe could be more moist with lotion.

So, let's start your mineral water drinking from now.


Become Mature

Beberapa hari yang lalu di pagi hari, gw abis ngobrol sama seseorang, sebut saja x, setelah sekian lama ga pernah ngobrol via chat .

Awalnya c qt cuma ngobrolin ttg status gw yg "tinggal berdoa" itu .

X: apanya yg tinggal berdoa kar??
Gw: itu, calon suamiku abis tes kerja .
Usaha udah,ya tinggal berdoa toh . :D
X: ciyeee,calon suami . Kapan nikahnya kar??
Gw: halah,ga usah dah nny2 nikah . Puyeng gw .
X: ah,aneh d . Wkt jadi mahasiswa ga boleh nny kpn sidang, skr udh ga mahasiswa lg ga boleh nny kpn nikah .
Gw: bukan gt X, lha klo baru dpt taunnya doank,kn msh byk kemungkinanny . Zzzzzzz .
X: hahahaha . Bener juga . Wah,gw jd ngiri kar sama lu . Gw blm jg dpt pasangan .
Gw: makanya jangan autis . :D
X: huwaaaa,itu penghinaan paling menyakitkan kar .
Gw: bukannya gitu X. Ya harusnya kn lu udah punya planning sndr . Cukup lu aja yg tw .
Target kpn mw berkeluarga .
X: ehmm,ni karina bukan?? Ko lu skr tambah dewasa c kar pikiran lu?? Mantep
Gw: wakakakakak . Kaga ah biasa aja.
X: biasany klo cewe yg udh mw nikah pasti cpt bgt mikir ttg berkeluarga . Ga kek gw msh oon .
Gw: ahahahaha . Masa c? Bukanny cowo jg gt ya?? Atw mgkn gara2 cewe kn ga mw nikah tua X, 25 lah,atau maksimal 27, itu aja idah ketuaan . Zzzzzzz .
X: hmm,iya iya . Tapi gmn carany gw dpt pasangan kar?? Gw beli BB jg biar ga dikira autis lagi .
Gw: ya biar ga bingung, bikin target dl aja .
Bah,BB mah ga bs jd ukuran kaliiii . Dodol dah .
X: eh,knp cowo lu mw pindah??
Gw: ya karna dy dr dl udh pny plan kpn mw merit . Begitu ktm gw, gw gbs klo berkeluarga dgn kondisi dy sll pergi2 luar kota . Dy aja kerja d vsat, ya pasti perginy k dusun kn .
X: wah,berarti gw hrs pindah kerja donk??
Gw: ya ga harus laaaahhh . Makany skr ini, set target dl taun brp gitu . Sambil nyari2 . Sapa tw lu ktemu sama cewe yg jg suka pergi2 . Bisa jd lu ga perlu pindah kerja kn .
X: ya apa gunany nikah klo jrg ketemu?? :( cari pasangan tu lebih susah drpd setting router .
Gw: ahahahaha . nah,itu aja lu udah tw lu pgn apa . Yauda dimulai dikit2 aja .
X: wahwah,karina bnr2 udah berubah ni . Mantep .
Gw: iya ni X. Yg amat sangat berubah tu, gw skr udh jrg bgt smsan ma tmn cowo . Udah hampir ga pernah curhat2 perasaan gt .
X: iya,ga kek jaman jahiliyah di stt dl .
Gw: huakakakakakak . Dodol .

Gw amat sangat tidak menyangka dy ngomong gitu . Ahahahaha .
Dy termasuk org yg cukup gw hormati .
Mungkin karna lbh tua usianya atau apalah itu . Tp gw cukup seneng dgn reaksi dy menanggapi tiap kalimat yg gw ketik .

Semoga laen kali ngobrol2 lagi .
Syapa tau bs saling tukar pikiran .


Sluuuuurrrrrppp!! So Tempting!!

This is my menu for my lunch .

Sluuurrrrpppp . So yummy, isn'it??
Before 11.30 a.m I still feel full .
Because, I had breakfast and snack from my friend Gusmarina .
Then, we went to canteen .
I saw my friend eating . Hmmmmmmm .
Suddenly, my stomache has spare space for that food .
Hehehehehhe . =DDD
So I bought it from kiosk named Oriental .
I got my rice quarter portion, half portion of vegetables, and full portion of chicken with soy sauce . It is priced 10 thousand rupiahs . Not expensive enough, it is worth, because it is really delicious . Slluuuurrrrppppppp .
If you want some, you can stop by at canteen Grha XL, Mega Kuningan . =DDD

Khusyu' in Your Sholat

Honestly, we often do sholat in a rush, not in full concentration, etc. whereas, in our sholat, we can reach Mi'raj like Rasulullah SAW go to Sidratul Muntaha.

Rasulullah said that Khusyu' in Sholat can make us as if have Mi'raj. when you do sholat, your physic is on earth but your soul go up to the sky which highness in accordance with your khusyu' level.

In Q.S An-Nissa:43
Allah berfirman: "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman. Janganlah kamu mengerjakan sholat ketika kamu dalam keadaan mabuk, sampai kamu sadar akan apa yang kamu ucapkan."

Imam Ibnu Abbas in Tafsir Ibnu Katsir said that that drunk has 2 meanings:
1. the real definition of drunk
2. not understanding yet with what you say

We can khusyu in our sholat by 3 points:
1. understand about 'bacaan sholat'
2. concentrate your mind and heart
3. 'pasrahkan diri pada Allah SWT'

One of ways which can help us reach khusyu in our sholat is planning. Plan our time, preparation, media, etc.

Hope Allah SWT accept our sholat.
Aamiiin ya robbal aalamin.



I've just listen to talk share with Ustadz Reza M. Syarief  in Zuhur time.
In today session, he talks about Harmony of Our Life .

In fact, I just sit, listen carefully and write down a little bit about his sharing .
This is my little notes .
To make our life goes in harmony, we must take a look at two points,
  • Push power
  • Control Power
Push power to push us up to the "sky", maybe in other words to push us up n


Dirty Lie

I do not know why people usually tell lie for nothing . That sounds horror . Actually, I can accept the lie if there is urgent reason, for example, if they tell truth someone will die or hurt .
An hour ago, i heard someone tell dirty lie . Do you know what the reason is? It is to protect him/her from get embarrased .
Zzzzzz . Really such nothing .

not first, but first

hey, my new blog .

this is my first blog, actually third .

because, before this, I had already 2 blogs which 'i don't even remember the password' .


thanks to my sister, ame, who had helped me for making my new blog .

hope, this blog will last forever .